America's New Jim Crow
To what extent is drug crime prosecution in the United States biased against black Americans?
Let's take a look at the data
Drug use prevalence by race, 2007
Have you used any illicit or illegal drugs within the past 12 months?
National Institutes of Health
Arrest and incarceration rate, non violent drug offenses, % of population by race, 1978 - 2011
Click and drag to guess the line for black Americans.
Hard to believe?
Our judicial system is heavily skewed towards incarcerating black Americans for non-violent drug offenses.
Estimated relative number of sentenced prisoners by non-violent offense, 2011
Black Americans make up about 12% of the U.S. Population,
although almost 40% of America's incarcerated
US Bureau of Justice Statistics
Curious as to why this might be?
Many have argued that this growing trend since the 1980s is largely a result of
America's War on Drugs
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